Children’s literature and English teaching 儿童文学与英语教学
定 价:20 元
- 作者:单迎春 王海涛 刘晓旭
- 出版时间:2007/8/1
- ISBN:9787303087921
- 出 版 社:北京师范大学出版社
- 中图法分类:G613.2
- 页码:219
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:10开
Chapter 1 Children's literature and second language education
Ⅰ. Book selection criteria
Ⅱ. Curriculum topics
Ⅲ. Teaching strategies
Ⅳ. Questions
Ⅴ. Skill building
Chapter 2 Aesop's Fables
Ⅰ. A brief introduction of Aesop's Fables
Ⅱ. Selected Readings
Ⅲ. Questions
Ⅳ. Skill building
Ⅴ. Further reading
Chapter 3 Fairy Tales
Ⅰ. A brief introduction of fairy tales
Ⅱ. Selected Readings
Ⅲ. Questions
Ⅳ. Skill building
Ⅴ. Further reading
Chapter 4 Modern literature
Ⅰ.A brief introduction of Multiple Intelligences
Ⅱ. Stories relate to Multiple Intelligences
Ⅲ. Questions
Ⅳ. Skill building
Chapter 5 Nursery rhymes
Ⅰ. Nursery rhyme and its origin
Ⅱ. Nursery rhyme and children's second language learning
Ⅲ. English Classic for Children Nursery rhyme
Ⅳ. TPR Nursery rhymes
Ⅴ. Nursery rhymes and finger play
Ⅵ. Questions for thinking
Ⅶ. Skill building
Most fairy tales have origins deeply rooted in adult story- telling. Alan Dundes, author of Little Red Riding Hood : A Casebook, says that fairy tales are first and foremost an oral form and views any written version as suspect, including those of Charles Perrault and the Grimms, but in any case, storytel- ling was especially popular with the irreverent peasant culture
that fought against the poverty, oppression, and unfairness which were often imposed upon them by the ruling class of the time. By exaggerating and adding the details to the stories, the storytellers were able to temporarily relieve some of the boredom that marked the daily life of their audience, since the audience could indulge in fantasies of wealth, success, and em- powerment. For the peasants who sat around the fire on long winter evenings repairing tools, mending clothes, and spinning yarn, the stories provided much needed amusement, which of- ten included "bawdy humor, bloodcurdling melodrama, and table-turning pranks." John Updike, internationally known American novelist, short story writer, and poet, refers to fairy tales as the "... television and pornography of their day, the 'Life_lightening' trash of preliterate people. " On the other hand, Princeton historian, Robert Darnton refers to them as historical documents. T'hey serve as catalogs of human experi- ence, including the particular details of the day and the age, often exposing our collective truths.